Pronouncing Pho correctly ,especially when in Vietnam, will reward you with a delicious, aromatic bowl of comfort food.

If you haven’t tried this tasty national dish from Vietnam you are in for a treat.

PHO starts with an amazing complex flavoured broth and ends up in your bowl filled with noodles, protein ,and crunchy, spicy ,tangy condiments.

PHO is held as a reflection of the daily life of the peasants tracing back to the Hanoi area in the 19 th century.It is believed to be a culinary merge with the French stew Pot au Feu the Vietnamese pronounced as Pho. Prior to the French Colonization ,the Vietnamese did not slaughter their cattle.The French added the cow as a protein source and by the 1920’s beef  or water buffalo in Pho was the norm and chicken was added soon after.

When I was in Vietnam last year I was able to obtain an authentic Pho recipe at a very well respected restaurant in Hanoi.I am excited to share it with you!

Join us on Tuesday, November 28 th and learn how to make your own Chiken and Vegan Pho .

We will also make Vietnamese rice paper rolls and dipping sauce.